About Us

Our Company:
Grupo Equis S.A., was born in 2003, with the objective of providing a proposal of a communicational service and entertainment to local residents from Valle Medio, Río Negro, so we decided to settle down in Luis Beltrán because of it's strategic location in the region, being the geographic heart of Valle medio.
In 2006, after an extensive procedure and under the distinctive sign of LRG415, we created the FM broadcasting "Radio Equis" (Trade Mark Grupo Equis S.A), which had the latest generation equipment for the time, and a wide and varied own local production programming.
Imposing a new style in the region, it didn't take long to get place as a lead broadcaster in the zone, with privileged coverage, covering the localities of Pomona, Lamarque, Luis Beltrán, Darwin, Coronel Belisle and Chimpay.
Continuing with the objetctives that gave birth to the society and after the prospect of success giving services to the community, we started managing to obtain a license of Telecommunication. Simultaneously we registered the Traded Mark "Patagonia Data" for giving services to the community of Telecommunication, the one after several years has become into the new Traded Mark Grupo Equis S.A.
In July 13th, 2009, under the resolution 164/2009, we got the "Unique License of Telecommunication Services", which allows us to provide all types of telecommunication services to the public, being landline or mobile, wired or weireless, national or international, with or without its own infrastructure.
After obtaining the license, the society started to develop strategic partnerships to amplify our coverage potential and the quality in the presentation of the internet services to the users of the region.
After detailed studies of technologies and the market, in May 2010, after the strategic partnership with the regional cable company, we started to provide broadband services using a platform with Cable Modem technology, in the zones where the coverage was possible and complementarily with Wireless technology, in those places where the usage of cable modem wasn't possible.
Assisting permanently to our clients, maintaining the continuity of the service avoiding and minimising the interruptions and bringing the support needed in the usage of our services, in a way of getting their satisfaction and a very good experience from the user were the foundation and the keys of our success of our services until the present.
Our prices have always been very affordable with the end of taking care of every necessity of the consumer and thus be able to reduce the digital divide of the population, making it easier to access to the digital world and the new related technologies. Despite the high costs of connectivity to which we are subjected in the interior of our country, where the monopolistic networks are our source of supply and where the negotiation with these corporations become real exploits, the deployment of the Federal Fibre-optic network nationally has contributed to level the connectivity wholesale costs and it has also let us continue providing the service in our small towns.
We keep working in order to improve the internet connectivity of our clients from Valle Medio, trying to facilitate the access to information, with the incidense that implies in different aspects that influence the quality of life such as education, health and many other fundamental necessities.
We currently serve most of the homes in Valle Medio, and we are members of CABASE and RED INTERCABLE DIGITAL S.A., which has enabled us to find solutions to our inconvenients.
We count with all the infrastructure of Cosmovision S.R.L, both for the laying and for future maintenance, with a technical team of more than ten people and a vehicle fleet sufficient to meet demand of the users of the whole Valle Medio.
We've been in the industry for more than 27 years and we have regularly attended different events of the sector in the country and every time we can, we try to visit some international event.